The CURE Children Cancer is a non-profit organization, established in 7 May 2012 by Mrs. Julliette Karam, dedicated to serving families of children who have cancer or chronic blood disorders. With over 24 support programs and services currently helping over 800 families, support is offered to all members of the family and is available throughout every step of their difficult journey.
- Education to create better understanding and awareness
- Excellence in psychosocial services to help fight the disease
- Improving the quality of care for pediatric cancer patients
We’re always looking for people with various backgrounds and skill levels. Whatever your capabilities and interests, "CURE Children Cancer Organization" Staff can find a volunteer opportunity that's right for you.
For more information on volunteer opportunities, email Juliette Karam, curecancerchildren@hotmail.com
Our Services
Cancer continues to be the #1 cause of disease-related death for children.
The diagnosis of cancer in children and adolescents is life changing.
Rise in diagnosed pediatric cancer rates: In 2015, an estimated 15,780 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed and 1960 deaths from cancer will occur among children and adolescents aged birth to 19 years.
Approximately 1 in 285 children will be diagnosed with cancer before age 20.
The annual incidence rate of cancer in children and adolescents is 186.6 per 1 million children aged birth to 19 years. (Source: Childhood and Adolescent Cancer Statistics, 2017).
Whether your child has just been diagnosed with cancer, is going through treatment, or is trying to stay well after treatment, we can help !
The Cure Children Cancer Organization has a variety of fundraising programs and projects all for the sole purpose of raising funds
to treat our dear patients. The more funds we have, the more patients we can treat! Join our mission, be part of the Cure Children Cancer Organization:
a Center of Excellence, Home of Hope!